English Collocation: May Have Been Led to Believe That…

By Robby

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Hello boys and girls! 😉

In today’s English idiomatic expression video you’re going to find out how to use the following collocation:


Yes, it may seem like a very complicated English grammar construct because it’s Passive Voice, Present Perfect and it also begins with MAY – basically it really looks like a handful when you try to pronounce it first time around.

You’ve got to bear in mind, however, that the key to English fluency is AUTOMATION. Just repeat it a good few times and you’ll realize that it’s not that difficult after all!

Also, you also have to stop analyzing the sentence MAY HAVE BEEN LED TO BELIEVE THAT… from the grammar standpoint and wonder WHY you have to say it this exact way.

All you need to start using it in your own daily conversations is being able to say it without much thinking in the right situations:

  • When pointing out to someone that something they believe in isn’t really true
  • When pointing out that something everyone believes in general isn’t the way it seems

So, watch the video above for more example sentences containing today’s phrase, and I’d be really glad if you posted comments below this blog post on how you’d use this collocation.

Give me some example sentences!


Robby 😉

English Idiomatic Expressions

P.S. Are you serious about your spoken English improvement? Check out the English Harmony System HERE!

English Harmony System
  • Brinor Lucero Narsico

    I was lead to believe that being a religous, doesn’t make you a good a person. Well the truth is it doesn’t define if you’re a good or bad, because there are some people who always go to church, but they’re still doing bad things on to the others to gain their self interest.

    I hope my given example is correct 🙂

  • No problem!

  • zako ikay

    am extremely grateful for the feedback ,,thank you ROBBY SENSI

  • Thanks for the comment Zako, but allow me to correct your sample sentence a little bit. I would real much better if you worded it this way: “I was lead to believe that…” – simply because it was an actual fact, I mean – you indeed WERE lead to believe one thing, but then you REALIZED the opposite. This particular idiomatic expression is used in situations when you’re GUESSING what the OTHER PERSON was PROBABLY lead to believe. So, for example, if someone else where to tell you “Listen Zako, I think there’s no need to read aloud in English!”, you would answer to that by saying: “Well, you may have been lead to believe there’s no need for it, but in reality it would be really beneficial to your fluency!”
    Hope this makes sence,

  • zako ikay

    i may have been lead to believe that there is no need to read English out loudly , but i realized the opposite ,,it really helps

  • Hi Sunny,

    While it’s indeed not always the case of men seeking beauty and women marrying up, most human beings do follow these principles when seeking their partners…

    Speaking of the typo – you wouldn’t believe it, but it’s only when this video went live that I found out that I’ve been misspelling the Past Participle of the verb “to lead” ALL THE TIME!!!

    I’ll probably make a video about it… 🙂



  • Sunny

    You may have been led to believe that ‘men seek beauty and women want wealth’, but it is not the case all the time, there are men who seek wealthy wives and women who want nice,caring husbands irrespective of wealth.

    P.S. it does not matter much but ‘led’ has been mistakenly typed as ‘lead’ in the idiomatic expression text in the video which may distract some viewers.