Don’t Try to Speak in English as if You Were Writing!

By Robby

If you are new here please read this first.

Improve Spoken English

Many of us, foreign English speakers, learnt the English language as a written language due to the specific nature of academic English curriculum which emphasizes a student’s ability to read and write well.

Spoken fluency is being neglected, and as a result our minds adopt what I like to call a ‘writing mode’.

It’s when you’re so used to writing and working with English grammar textbooks, that it’s become your second nature to plan grammatically correct sentences in your head before actually speaking them out loud ❗

As a result, your English fluency suffers because you find it hard to:

Watch the video above to see how to make a smooth transition from the ‘writing mode’ of you mind into a ‘speaking mode’ so that you can speak fluently and confidently!

As always, I would love to read your comments below! 😉

Chat soon,


English Harmony System

P.S. Are you serious about your spoken English improvement? Check out the English Harmony System HERE!

English Harmony System
  • Thanks!

  • Francisco Javier

    Good advice.

  • Ghkjnlkmlk
