By Robby
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Another day – another English idiomatic expression from Robby!
Today’s phrase is used in just about any situation whenever someone tells you something important and they want you to pay particular attention to a specific detail.
“Please, bear in mind that…” is the typical way you’ll be told that you shouldn’t forget what follows this phrase, and if you want to find out more specific examples of this phrase in action – please watch the video above!
Sample sentences I’m coming up with are sometimes funny because I’m always improvising in these videos, and I think it’s worth watching the above video even for that reason alone.
Not that I consider myself being some sort of a comedian or anything, it’s just that I sometimes laugh at myself while editing my own videos and I would imagine I’m not the only one feeling that way!
Chat soon,
Robby 😉
P.S. Are you serious about your spoken English improvement? Check out the English Harmony System HERE!