How can teachers use social media to teach a language

By Rachel Summers

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There’s lots of tools online that are designed specifically to help you learn a language. However, did you know that social media can be a powerful learning tool? Here’s how you can use it to help you develop language skills, and where you should be looking to get started.

How Social Media Works As A Learning Tool

There’s all kind of ways that social media can be used as a learning tool. Teachers in particular have been seeing just how it can be used to engage students, and bring them into a new language.

Facebook has been shown to be a very helpful tool when it comes to immersing yourself in a new language. Teachers can set up a Facebook group that their students can join, and create updates in that language. Seeing those updates in their feed can expose students to the language on a regular basis, and help them get used to it.

If you’re more of a visual learner, then you’ll do better with more visual learning tools. Instagram, Pintrest, and other image based social media platforms are great for visual based learning materials. For example, a teacher could set up a flash card on their account every day, giving their followers a regular learning tool.

Finally, blogs can be another great way to get some learning into your every day feeds. Sites like Tumblr are great for this, as a language blog can be inserted into your regular feed. There are also dedicated language blogs, such as Fluent In 3 Months and AcademAdvisor, that you can follow and keep up to date with.

The Benefits Of Social Media

There’s a lot of reasons that you may want to use social media to learn a new language. Here’s just a few of the benefits that you can enjoy if you use this method.

  • Incorporate it into your daily routine: “Everyone uses social media multiple times a day” says writer Jenna Andrews from Boom Essays. “If you use it to learn a language, then you can incorporate learning into your daily routine.”
  • Quick learning: Many people feel as though they don’t have time to learn a language. However, if you use social media to learn, then it only takes a few minutes every day. Over a longer period of time, that learning adds up.
  • Communicate with native speakers: The joy of social media is that it can connect you with people all over the world. You can use social media to talk to people in their native language, helping you get used to conversing in that language.
  • Use tools you’re already using: “If you’re already social media tools, then you’re not going to have to install more apps or visit more sites” says teacher Daniel Harrison at Student Writing Services. “That means your learning can be much more efficient, and you don’t have worry about using extra tools in order to learn.”

How To Use Social Media To Improve Language Learning

There’s lots of different ways to use social media in your learning. Here’s a few different ideas for to incorporate it into your daily routine:

Write more: As mentioned earlier, you can start writing more in the language you’re learning. This is especially beneficial if you can write to a native speaker of the language. When you do this, use tools like Elite Assignment Help or Revieweal to help you get it right.

Follow blogs: Blogs are a great way to learn more about a language and take in a little information, every day. Try following a few useful blogs in an RSS reader. They’ll show up whenever they update, and you can learn a little more every time you read them.

Join groups of learners: Social media platforms like Facebook allow for groups to be formed for any interest you can imagine. You can find groups for learners of the language you’re learning. They’ll help you practice your communication skills, and you can get in touch with people with similar interests from all around the world.

As you can see, there’s a lot of ways you can learn a language through social media. Now you can incorporate it into your everyday life and pick up the language before you know it.

About the Author

Rachel Summers has worked in education, tutoring students who need extra assistance with their studies. That means that she has the expertise needed to show students the way to study effectively, including Best Australian Writers. She writes with this goal in mind, so you can get ahead in school or college.

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