16 ways to walk in English

By Shivam

If you are new here please read this first.

Hey there everyone,

How are you all doing today?

Do you know the man you saw yesterday in the park was ambling instead of just walking?”

The rogues rambled around in the vicinity of our society this afternoon.”

In both sentences above, ‘the man’ and ‘the rogues’ were just walking, but the way they walked is best defined by the words ‘ramble’ and ‘amble’.

People walk differently with different mood and intentions, hence situations give birth to new words describing it even more clearly rather than just using the word ‘walk’.

Hence, in this article today, we see 16 ways to walk and what it means.

So without further ado, let’s get down to the topic and learn some new vocabulary describing ways to walk-

16 words describing ways to walk

1: Amble- to walk leisurely.

Example: The newly wedded couple ambled beside the beach and shared the words of love.

2: Flounder- to walk with difficulty due to some problem.

Example: The old man floundered around in the water.

3: Limp- walk impeded due to some injury.

Example- The player limped off the ground after being hit by the ball on his toe.

4: Strut- to walk in a proud way trying to look important.

Example: Robin strutted around the hall to get every girl’s attention.

5: Stroll- walk in a leisurely way.

Example: I love to stroll along the beach after the sunset.

6: Stride- to walk in long steps.

Example: He strode in the balcony thinking about his bitter past.

7: Stalk- to walk in an angry or proud way.

Example: She stalked out of the room after we questioned her why she failed the test.

8: Stagger- Walk or move unsteadily, as if about to fall.

Example: He entered staggering into the room.

9: Waddle- walk unsteadily

Example: The poor man waddled due to swollen legs.

10: Stumble- to miss a step and fall.

Example: He stumbled over his son’s toy.

11: Trudge- to walk slowly with a lot of effort, especially over a different surface or while carrying something heavy.

Example: The mountaineer trudged back up the hill.

12- Skulk- move stealthily.

Example: We called the police when we saw an unknown man skulking in the bushes.

13: Saunter-to walk in a slow, relaxed way, often in no particular direction.

Example: I saw John sauntering in the park yesterday.

14: lurch- a sudden movement forward or to one side.

Example: Joe lurched to his feet at dance practice today.

15: Parade- to march in a procession

Example: The military officers paraded during Independence Day celebration.

16: Wade- to walk with effort through water or other liquid or viscous substance.

Example- They waded out till the water reached their waist.

So I hope you will know the difference from next time, whether you should use ‘saunter’, ‘wade’ or ‘ramble’.

Each word has a different meaning that describes the particular situation to the listener, moreover, you are definitely earning a plus point if you use these words in your written English (Today’s tip!!!!!)

Make sure you read this article thoroughly and practice it with your own examples so as they become your second nature.

See you soon with some new topic and vocabulary.

Till then keep learning and improving.

Take care and?


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