By Robby
If you are new here please read this first.
Hello my friends foreign English speakers ❗
This is the first video recorded in my new home office, and it coincides with a very important announcement I’m going to make right now…
… English Harmony System de Luxe Edition is now available to MAC users!
It’s something that many of my followers have been waiting for a long, long time, and I actually have to apologize for making you wait.
Now that the MAC edition of the EH System is finally available, however, I don’t think you’ll be crying over the time lost; instead you should jump right into the action and start doing the unique speech exercising lessons RIGHT NOW!
So, what are you waiting for?
Just follow these simple steps:
- Click on the ORDER button below (alternatively click HERE to read more about the EH System and what it will do for your English fluency)
- Create your own member’s profile on my website so that you can access the speech exercising lessons
- Proceed with a payment using either PayPal or a Credit Card
- Start doing the speech exercising lessons immediately after that!
Basically the MAC version of the product will avail you of the very same benefits that the downloadable version does; the only exception is that you’ll have to log into your own profile on my website to access all the content.
Are you a dedicated Apple fan?
Are you using a MacBook Pro, an iPad or some other Apple device meaning you can’t run .EXE files on it?
English Harmony System de Luxe Edition MAC version is what you’re looking for then, and you can get it by either clicking on the ORDER now button below or heading to the main salespage!
Any questions – just post them in the comments section below and I’ll respond to them ASAP.
Robby 😉
P.S. Are you serious about your spoken English improvement? Check out the English Harmony System HERE!