By Robby
If you are new here please read this first.
If you’ve just moved to an English speaking country, you may find yourself in a situation when everyday English spoken around you is much different from the one you studied at school or university.
And even if you’ve spent considerable time in the country, much of what native English speakers say might be lost on you so you blame your lack of English fluency. By the way, haven’t you heard some foreigners say things like: “You know, these Americans (British, Irish – depending on which English speaking country you reside in) don’t speak correct English themselves, that’s why it’s so hard for us to communicate with them!”
Well… In fact what some might call “incorrect speech” boils down to a few main factors which aren’t incorrect or wrong by their nature.
Native English speakers simply use a whole lot more informal and colloquial means of expression than academically tutored foreigners! Yes, informal speech sometimes doesn’t meet the very high literacy standards – but then I think we can actually argue who set them and why. Learning super-accurate and perfect English without means of expression like phrasal verbs, idioms and colloquialisms will make it much harder for you to communicate, and here’s a perfect example to illustrate exactly what I mean.
Imagine you work as call centre operator and your shift manager asks you why you didn’t reply to a high priority e-mail the previous night. You don’t really remember the case, so you want to figure out what actually happened last night. So you’re asking your manager the following: “I’m sorry Harry, but I can’t really remember this case. I’ll proceed with investigation and I’ll report to you when I have an answer.”
Not a bad answer, you’ll say?
Well, of course, the message is clear, and any English speaking call centre manager would understand what you meant.
But now listen to the same message, just slightly altered: “I’m sorry Harry, but I can’t really remember this case. I’ll start looking into it and I’ll get back to you when I have an answer.” Can you feel the difference? Does it not sound friendlier, is it not easier to say, and also doesn’t it sound more native? I think it does, and here’s what did the trick – PHRASAL VERBS.
Yes, phrasal verbs are those short, informal word combos that substitute longer, more formal words and make any English conversation much easier to conduct. Phrasal verbs are one of the factors that make academically tutored foreigners perceive an informal English conversation as being hard to understand. And phrasal verbs are often ignored by mainstream English educational system so many foreign English speakers are literally left unaware of a big part of real-life English.
Back in August last year I published a video about the importance of using phrasal verbs when speaking English:
Now me and David from Learn English Online have created a handy and very useful eBook called Power of English Phrasal Verbs. If you’re serious of becoming a more fluent English speaker – download the eBook by using this link HERE.
Here’s what you’ll find in it:
1. Why using phrasal verbs makes it easier to communicate.
I’ve touched this topic a number of times on my blog, but in this eBook’s first part you’ll discover the biggest benefit of including phrasal verbs in your spoken English vocabulary.
2. 6 powerful tips on how to learn new English phrasal verbs.
As an English improver, you definitely want to make the best out of your English learning routine, don’t you? Well, the second part of the eBook reveals what exactly you have to do to make the acquisition of new English phrasal verbs easier, more efficient and also how to choose the most useful ones for your particular situation.
3. A list of 40 very useful phrasal verbs.
While traditional English phrasal verb lists will begin with verb combos that are very common – like “go away”, “break off” and similar, on many occasions they’re already known to you. In real life situations at work, studying and socializing you may want to use a totally different phrasal verb vocabulary, so this list of 40 useful phrasal verbs will provide you with a very good start!
So what are you waiting for?
Download the FREE eBook Power of English Phrasal Verbs right now, and start improving your spoken English!
P.S. Are you serious about your spoken English improvement? Check out the English Harmony System HERE!