By Shivam
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Hey there,
How is your fluency going?
Ever since I thought that I want to be a fluent English speaker, I tried every single possible technique to improve my vocabulary and fluency. Admit it or not, most of the non-natives start off on the wrong foot by trying traditional study methods such as learning few words from dictionary daily or be it when you tried a new language book to improve their vocabulary and fluency. The matter of the fact is, vocabulary and fluency go hand in hand while learning. Now you many wanna ask, if they go hand in hand, why do you say learning vocabulary from a dictionary is bad? It’s not bad; I would say it’s even worse. The fact is, dictionary was never made for learning purpose, it is
just for ‘referential purpose’, so in case if you get stucked while reading a book, blog or anything, you can refer to it for clear understanding of the topic.
According to Psychology, if you learn anything with the context of something, it remains in your subconscious mind for a longer period of time. So if you learn something in context, it creates a permanent link in your mind for better understanding and remembrance down the line. It is for this reason, I created my website named ‘Your English Vocabulary’ where I teach English vocabulary with context, relevant images, examples and quizzes, so these all can create a link in the subconscious mind of the readers to learn and remember better.
Let us begin…
What does Robby says before beginning any list or explanation?
It’s just on the tip of my tongue.
Yeah, I got it.
So without further ado, let’s get down straight to the business :))
Robin: I heard Harris landed a job in a reputable multinational company. Is it true?
Joe: Yeah! You heard that right.
Robin: Why did he quit his previous job? It was quite good.
Joe: He told that his boss was downright rude and never let anyone work in a friendly atmosphere. He did not earn much, but it was enough
to make a living. One day his boss turned down his application for granting a leave even when his mother was critically ill, it was the
day he could not take it anymore because the reasons have scaled up to a level to make anyone quit his job.
Robin: He did that right; even I would have done the same if that happened with me. After all no one cannot put up with these sorts of
people without moving up a ladder.
Joe: Of course, by the way, are you coming to his birthday party tonight?
Robin: Yeah, can you pick me up at 7?
Joe: No problem, I will do that. I gotta go now and clear my desk so that we can have a blast tonight.
Robin: See you later, Bye bye.
Joe: Bye bye.
Idioms, Phrasal verbs and Collocations from the above context
• Start off on the wrong foot – It means to have a bad start or start something in a wrong way.
Example: Your plan will never succeed down the line if you start off
the wrong foot.
• Go hand in hand – happens at the same time or as a result of one to
Example: Unemployment goes hand in hand with the growing population.
• Down the line – in the upcoming future.
Example: Though he has been working day in and out, let’s see if he succeeds down the line.
• On the tip of tongue – when something is on your tip your tongue, it is in your mind but you just can’t say at the moment.
Example: I know the girl who came to Ben’s party, what her name? It’s just on the tip of my tongue.
• Landed a job – get a new job (usually a good one)
Example: Emma told her brother landed a job at your office as a junior assistant. Is it true?
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• Downright rude – completely rude.
Example: It was downright rude when he said that he won’t even consider talking to Emma.
• Make a living – when we say someone makes a living, it means he/she earns enough to live and afford the basic needs.
Example: It was very hard for Ron to make a living from his previous job, so he moved to the other one this month.
• Turn down – to refuse a proposal.
Example: My boss turned down to hold any conference this Saturday because he is heading to New York this weekend.
• Critically ill – seriously ill.
Example: Alisha is critically ill from a month so she will not attend any business meeting for few days.
• Take it anymore– It is a very common expression which we use when we just can’t bear anymore.
Example: His behavior has been downright rude, though I ignored it till now, I can’t take it anymore.
• Scaled up – increase in intensity or number.
Example: The number of employees is scaling up each month in our company.
• Put up with – to bear with someone/something. Please tell them to stop shouting now, I just can’t put up with this noise anymore.
• Move up the ladder – promoted very fast in a job.
Example: Though he is quite new in the company, he is moving up the ladder very fast.
• Pick someone up – to take someone along with you (usually because the person are going to the same destination)
Example: I will get ready by 7:30; make sure pick me up for the party.
• Clear my desk – deal with all the paper on the desk (usually before leaving for the home)
Example: I will call you up when I am done clearing my desk; we will then go for a date.
• Have a blast – To have a lot of fun.
Example: I hope you are accompanying us for the party. We will have a blast tonight!
You see how learning these idioms, phrasal verbs and collocations in context helps to understand and remember better, moreover it is a very intriguing.
I hope you will add few of these above expressions in your active vocabulary and notice a major change in your fluency as well.
Let me know about your views in the comment section below, or in case you wanna learn more of this awesome vocabulary like this, ‘Your
English Vocabulary’ is the place to be (FOR FREE!). With the hands-down best fluency tips from Robby and tons of vocabulary on ‘Your English Vocabulary’, I believe you can achieve your English fluency and become a confident English speaker.
All the best!
Bye bye.
About the Author: Shivam author of the blog ‘Your English Vocabulary’, is a non native english speaker and struggled a lot for about 6 years to speak fluently and learnt inside out about the English issues. His teacher ‘Sunita Singh’ helps him giving out the best content ideas which could enrich and polish spoken English for readers like you, while one of his friends manages all the social pages and accounts. It
is combined effort of many, so usually Shivam never just mentions his name; rather he names it as ‘Your English Vocabulary’ everywhere.
The main motive is to help the non-natives speak fluently by enriching their vocabulary with the help of context, relevant images, examples and quizzes.
P.S.Are you serious about your spoken English improvement? Check out the English Harmony System HERE!
P.S. Are you serious about your spoken English improvement? Check out the English Harmony System HERE!