What Not To Expect While Learning a Foreign Language

By Robby

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What not to expect when learning foreign language

The question as to why some learners seem to learn a foreign language with ease while others struggle much on the same remains a mystery to the foreign language and special educators. Unlike before when foreign language was not a compulsory subject, today, the study of an additional foreign language is a requirement especially for high school graduation, while other institutions such as few colleges and universities require a minimum of about two years of foreign language learning before graduation.

Well, learning a foreign language is no walk in the park and is commonly considered a long, tiresome and difficult process. At first, the learner may be very optimistic, actually overexcited, about learning a new language but they don’t understand the sacrifice and concentration it deserves for you to comprehend and understand it!

Expectation of Foreign Language Learners

The idea of learning a new language aside from the native one is an exciting experience for the learner. The expectation is high and for the learner, this seems like an easy task. Well, what exactly do learners expect from learning a foreign language? Let’s find out!

I will learn in a couple of months: When you set your mind that you are going to learn a foreign language and understand it after a couple of months, the expectations are high and a failure’s not an option. But, what many don’t understand is that learning a new language is a long process that may take several years if not months. The facts are, the language has different sounds, special symbols and grammatical rules that will not be learned within a month.

Tip: The important thing is to understand the purpose of learning the language and how much you ought to have covered within a given period of time, say a year.

I will have enough time to learn: Time is of essence when learning a foreign language. To master a foreign language, you need to put in more hours and practice regularly. Sometimes learners need extra tutoring in the language, so you must allocate time for every task, in fact more time.

Tip: Allocate enough time and make schedules to ensure you learn everything. Organize your time wisely!

I will have a teacher who will teach me all the way from A to Z: A foreign language teacher is just a guide to show you how it is done. By and large, the learner are expected to teach themselves proficient reading, writing, listening, speaking, and pronunciation through exposure and practice.

Tip: Look for a specific language or activity you enjoy doing on your own and perfect it.

I will learn as my friend and will do well: Something that worked for your friend does not mean it will work for you. Some may think that since a friend can speak French fluently, they automatically have a through pass in learning and understanding the language following the same route. Well, sorry to disappoint you, but it differs.

Tip: Look for suitable methods and practices that will fit your need and capabilities to avoid disappointments.

I will learn the rules and will speak: Every language has rules and knowing all the rules of the language does not mean you will be a pro in using the language. There is more to that. You have to be able to write symbols, read, listen and practice using them.

Tip: To make the process work, put the rules into real practice and learn where to apply them appropriately.

I will learn often used words and that’ll do: Learning some vocabulary in a foreign language will not guarantee you enough communication skills of the language. In fact, you may realize that you will learn most of the vocabularies but not all.

Tip: Do not stick to the obvious and don’t limit yourself. As you upgrade to a new level, you will learn new vocabularies with time. So long for more!

I will succeed as I am highly motivated: Well, motivation is a booster when learning a new language. But, if you think about it your motivation is just like a ship struggling the fierce waves of the sea. One moment it is high, another it goes down and you don’t feel like learning the language any more.

Tip: Juggle different activities to avoid getting bored as much as possible. Socialize with others and seek inspiration from them. Look for a native speaker to take you through what you don’t understand and remember the goal is to master the language.

Well, learning foreign languages is a plus for anyone. But before you start, learn and understand the do’s and don’ts of the learning process and turn this knowledge into benefits. That way, you are on the right track in mastering that foreign language.

Blogger Rachel Bartee

Author’s Bio: Rachel Bartee is an ESL teacher in practice and a writer at EduGeeksClub. She would prefer to go without lunch just to make her thoughts into worthy writings. She feels inspired by her morning yoga and creative writing classes she is currently attending. Get in touch with her on Facebook.

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