Funny English Phrases: Discussing Relationships

By Robby

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If yes – you’re welcome to watch the funny English phrase video above I’ve prepared for you!

This time around I’ve stuffed the video full with phrases that might come in handy when you discuss your relationship with a friend of yours.

Yes, I know it’s not good to talk about people behind their back – especially if the person in question is your partner, girlfriend or spouse. Still, it’s one of the things people do when they’ve had a bad day at home and they want to unwind – they meet up with their friends and share those experiences with them…

After all – what are friends meant for?! 😀


Idiom #1: We TIED THE KNOT.

Idiom #2: I told her to PUT A SOCK IN IT.

Idiom #3: I gave her A TASTE OF HER OWN MEDICINE.

Idiom #4: She’s got AN AXE TO GRIND.

Idiom #5: I just BIT MY TONGUE.


Man: Are you still with Mary?


Man: It’s nice you do stuff together. Are you married yet?

Friend: Yes! That’s what I meant by saying “we tied the knot”!

TO TIE THE KNOT means to get married.


Man: How did you get your wife to be quiet?

Friend: I told her to PUT A SOCK IN IT.

Man: Put a sock in what? Did it help?

Friend: I told her to shut up!

PUT A SOCK IN IT means to stop talking.


Man: How did you react?

Friend: I gave her a taste of her own tablets!


Man: Sometimes that’s needed.

A TASTE OF HER OWN MEDICINE means to treat someone exactly as you have been treated by them.

Man: Why is your wife so angry?

Friend: She’s got AN AXE TO GRIND.

Man: Sounds like hard work. If it’s bothering her that much, she should get a new one!

Friend: No it’s not that. I was out late last night, and she hasn’t told me off yet!

AN AXE TO GRIND is to have a dispute to take up with someone.


Man: What did you do when she said that?

Friend: I just BIT MY TONGUE.

Man: Oh my God! Are you OK?

Friend: I’m fine! I didn’t actually bite my tongue.

TO BITE TONGUE means to not talk. Usually used in a tense situation such as an argument. When someone bites their tongue, it usually means they stop talking in order to avoid continuing the dispute.

* * *

Remember my friends – make sure to USE those idioms in real life (even if it means doing a role-play with yourself) – simply because nothing works better in cementing such phrases into your vocabulary than SPOKEN ENGLISH PRACTICE!

Thanks for dropping by,

Robby 😉

English Idiomatic Expressions

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  • Yeah, that’s nicely spotted Sac Chi.
    If you can pick out some cool phrasal verbs from the conversations you hear, you’ll improve nicely. Noticing is the first step to autonomy..

  • You’re dead right Sachin, to “tell somebody off” means to confront them about their bad behavior, and you got it 100 correctly from the context alone which is a perfect example of how new phraseology is acquired naturally! 😉

  • sac chi

    there is one more phrase here ” she hasn’t told me off yet!”
    what i understood by that conversation is that, you were out late night and wife is angry and yet not initiated the quarrel. And since she didnt ask you till the next day and when she asked you prefer to keep mum.

    And i found this…
    tell off somebody: scold somebody for their act/behavior.

    correct me if i am wrong.