By Robby
If you are new here please read this first.
A while back, I published an article containing 25 English sentence starters – they’re great to get your speech going and some of them can be used in pretty much any life situation.
Then, a short time later, I received a request from a blog reader of mine to provide him with typical English phrases used at the end of a sentence, and that’s exactly what I’m going to do in this article!
This is going to be a compilation of 38 typical English sentence endings, and I’m going to group them into several categories so that it’s easier for you to learn them.
And remember – you HAVE TO incorporate these sentence endings in your spoken English practice sessions to be able to use them in real life.
If you’re not going to USE them, you’ll lose them – simple as that!
And now, without further ado, let’s start looking at these English sentence endings.
General Sentence Endings
… and that’s all I’ve gotta say about that! – this is what you can always add at the end of a sentence if it concludes the entire thought and you don’t have anything else to say.
… and that’s all there is to it! – this is pretty much the same as the previous sentence ending with the exception that it’s worded differently.
… and we’ll take it from there – this English sentence ending is used to indicate that the discussion is going to continue at some point in the future after certain things are done: “Well, your proposal seems reasonable enough – I’m going to talk to my partner and my lawyer and we’ll take it from there!”
… that’s about it – another sentence ending indicating a finished business; typically used as a response to a question when you’re asked if you’ve got anything else to say: “Well, I guess that’s about it.”
… just like that! – this English idiomatic expression can very well be used to end sentences in situations when you’re telling someone that something unexpected happened to you, or someone did something quite unexpected and surprising: “And guess what? She stormed out of the meeting and slammed the door, just like that!”
… so on and so forth – you can use this handy English phrase at the end of a sentence to indicate that there’s more to what you’re saying, but there’s no need to specify what it is because everyone knows what you’re talking about anyway: “In order to get fit, you have to start eating healthy, working out and so on and so forth”.
… is all – this is a really conversational way of ending a sentence in English and it’s added at the end of the sentence to emphasize the fact that you’ve no bad or selfish intentions: “I just want to go there and see him is all!” – by saying this you’re implying that you JUST want to see him and you don’t intend to do anything else.
… indeed – this is a single-word English sentence ending and is used to emphasize the message conveyed in the statement: “This is a really cold day indeed!”
… though – another single-word sentence ending which can be used whenever you’re expressing your doubts or raising a concern over something: “Yes, I know he’s waiting for me, but shouldn’t I get changed first though?”
… do you know what I mean? – this is a typical English phrase you can stick at the end of pretty much ANY sentence when having a conversation.
… but this is a different story altogether! – you can finish off a sentence this way if you’re pointing out differences between two things: “Yes, I know a thing or two about computers, but maintaining a server is a different story altogether!”
… so to speak – this English idiomatic expression will come in handy when using comparisons. Here’s a good example: “My big brother has always been there for me, and in reality he’s my dad, so to speak.”
… for that matter – another handy English idiom that can be used at the end of a sentence, and it means “in addition”, “besides” or “in relation to that”. Here’s an example: “Recently I’ve changed my diet completely and I’ve stopped eating junk food. And I’ve also started working out, for that matter.”
… and the like – this English expression is used when you mention something specific and then you want to say that there are more similar things: “I really love pastries – muffins, cupcakes and the like!”
… get it done and over with – this is how you tell someone that the task in question should be accomplished rather quickly: “You know James, I don’t want to be stuck here all day so let’s get it done and over with!”
… if you haven’t already done so! – are you not sure if the other person has done the job you’re asking them to do? Well, you can always attach this phrase at the end of the sentence: “Please check if the back door is locked if you haven’t already done so!”
… give it a shot – this English expression means to “give it a try” and is used in situations when it might seem that it’s not worth trying: “Hey, I know you’ve never done this before, but why not give it a shot?”
… back on track – another way of saying “back to normal”, “back to where it was before”. “Susan, I think not everything is lost, you can still try to find a job and get your life back on track.”
Reassuring & Proving Your Point
… and rightly so! – this phrase is used when you’re supporting a particular activity: “Our boss fired Jimmy today when he showed up late yet again – and rightly so!”
… I can assure you of that! – this phrase is quite self-explanatory: “I’ll make sure that the reports are done today, I can assure you of that!”
… but it’s true nonetheless! – are you telling someone about something shocking that they might not believe? This is the phrase to add at the end: “Yes, I know it’s hard to believe that Ann is pregnant, but it’s true nonetheless!”
… at all – you can use this short phrase to dispel all doubts – if there’s any: “There’s really no need for you to worry about it at all!”
… in the same boat – sometimes we need to make the other person feel better by telling them that you’re in the same tough situation and that they’re not the only ones having those particular problems: “I know exactly how it feels to lose a close friend, we’re actually in the same boat.”
… but it’s not the case now – this phrase can be attached at the end of sentences in situations when you have to point out that something isn’t happening now: “Yes, I know how bad it would be if you didn’t have any money, but it’s not the case now!”
Comparing & Referring to Specific Things
… big time – means “a lot” and can be used in a wide variety of situations: “My best friend let me down big time.”
… doesn’t cut it – this phrase means “isn’t enough”: “I know you’re trying to help me fix the car by bringing all these tools along but I’m afraid it just doesn’t cut it…”
… is not an exception – another self-explanatory phrase: “All employees have to come in for work tomorrow, we all know that a public holiday is not an exception!”
… is no different – you can use this English sentence ending to point out that the situation in question isn’t much different from something else: “Well, I know you’re afraid in case something goes wrong, but think about it – Michael does it all the time and he’s never gotten into trouble, so you doing it is no different!”
… to name but a few – are you listing a few items and then you want to say that there are more similar things? This is the right sentence ending to use: “I’ve been to a lot of different countries – Greece, Spain, Portugal – to name but a few!”
Time References
… down the line – this English idiomatic expression is used to refer to the future: “Soon enough I’m going to start a computer networking course so that I can pursue a career in IT down the line.”
… in the near future – quite self-explanatory: “I don’t know when exactly they’re going to open the new shopping center, but I’m quite confident that it’s going to happen in the near future.”
… day in, day out – this phrase means “every day”: “I’ve been working hard on my project day in, day out.”
… in no time! – are you telling someone that whatever you’re doing is going to be done very soon? This is the right phrase to use then: “Don’t worry, I’ll have the dinner ready in no time!”
Describing the Importance of the Matter
… is the way forward – are you convinced that a certain approach of doing things is the right one? Then use this English expression: “I strongly believe that liberalism is the way forward!”
… at all costs – when something needs to be done at all costs, it means it’s a super-important matter: “Now, as we’re all very well aware, this is our biggest client so it goes without saying that this order needs to be fulfilled at all costs!”
… by all means possible! – this sentence ending is pretty much the same as the previous one: “I know it’s going to be very hard to finish this task on time but we have to make it happen by all means possible!”
… goes a long way – if you have to describe the importance of a big contribution, this is the right phrase to use at the end of the sentence: “Thanks so much for donating this money to our hospital, it will go a long way!”
… second to none – when something is second to none, it simply means that it’s the best: “I bought a new gaming computer yesterday and I’ve gotta tell you it’s second to none!”
* * *
Now, obviously there are many more ways you can finish English sentences – but I can assure you that if you learn these 38 expressions and start using them in your English conversations, you’re going to experience a tremendous improvement to your fluency!
Thanks for reading,
P.S. Are you serious about your spoken English improvement? Check out my English Harmony System HERE!
P.S. Are you serious about your spoken English improvement? Check out the English Harmony System HERE!

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