By Robby
If you are new here please read this first.
Hi my friend, this time I’m going to give you a plain and simple action plan to instantly improve your English confidence – and I bet you’ll be surprised how EASY and EFFECTIVE it is!
So enough ranting – let’s get to the matter straight away!
- Step one – STOP being ashamed of yourself!
Did I just insult you? Sorry, no offence meant. But the cold truth is – everyone who struggles speaking English fluently is actually shy deep inside. Whether you are aware of it or not – you constantly COMPARE yourself with others, or with a particular person.
It could be your best friend, or workmate, or a person being your role model – and it constantly nags at you – ‘He’s speaking better than me…’
Well, there’s not a better solution than to stand in the front of a mirror and tell yourself loud – I don’t need anyone as a role model. I’m sufficient with my English and there’s NOTHING that could make me feel low and lose my self-esteem.
So the first step is to recognize the very fact that you constantly keep on being shy speaking in front of particular people, in public etc.
- Step number two – when you speak a natural English speech, just THROW away all the grammar rules from your mind!
Am I being too extreme making such a statement? Well – I don’t think so. Bear in mind – I didn’t say ‘forget all English grammar’.
What I meant was – don’t put double load on your mind when you speak English. Your sub-consciousness will do the work for you. Everything you’ve learnt so far grammarwise will manifest itself anyway.
So if you speak and try to think about the grammar rules at the same time – you just make unnecessary effort. You will inevitably make your speech slower and distorted. Better don’t think anything ‘extra’ – just speak and enjoy being right here and now with the person you’re communicating with.
- The third step – ACCEPT the things the way they are.
Even though it may sound completely opposite to what you desire – there’s a great wisdom in this approach.
It doesn’t mean you don’t have to strive to improve your English. But with not accepting yourself as your are, you are creating a never-ending conflict with your inner self. In other words – you’re doing more damage to your English confidence rather than improving it.
Anyone has embarrassing moments while speaking – even speaking their own language.
A week ago I went for holidays to my native country and had to deal with people speaking my language, of course. And you know what? It’s really weird, but I noticed myself starting stutter and mispronounce the words… I hadn’t spoken to other natives but my family and closest friends for a while, and this sudden change made me speak badly even in my own language!
So think about this again and accept yourself. When such moments happen while speaking English – the last thing you want to do is – start worrying.
Be yourself – and it will eventually yield more results than constantly fighting with yourself!
OK, my friend, I hope these simple things will help you in your way to fluent English!
P.S. Are you ready to get on the fast track to spoken English fluency? Check out my English Harmony System HERE!
P.S. Are you serious about your spoken English improvement? Check out the English Harmony System HERE!