By Mollie Porein
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The ability to learn complex languages and communicate is what distinguishes human beings from other animals. Numerous studies have been conducted on both adults and children who are natural language learners to try and explain the science behind language learning. Research has shown that human beings are born with the natural instinct to process and learn a new language.
English is an interesting and a fun language. It is one of the most spoken languages all over the world. Over 1 billion people can communicate in this language. It is considered as one of the easiest languages to learn since most of the vocabularies are easy to grasp and are related to some words in our native languages.
However, most people find it quite impossible to learn English especially if they are racing against time. You have to learn new rules and memorize new words and all that takes time. Every student learns at their own speed. This speed depends on how much time they have, their experience and their language goals.
Even so, it is possible to learn English fast. Here are some tips that will help students learn quicker.
Invest in Good Study Materials
As an English student, you will need to invest in basic learning handbooks that will provide a good structure for your learning.
You could try and subscribe to daily emails from dictionaries such as Merriam-Webster Learner’s Dictionary. This is one of the many dictionaries that can go a long way in teaching you new and useful words with their most easily understood definitions so that any learner can get a mastery of them.
You can also learn vocabulary from simple material such as fashion magazines or comedy websites. In addition to the above, you will require a notebook, an arch folder for storing your notes and a lined paper. Ensure that you get stationery which you love using because it will propel you into spending more time studying due to the fun that you derive from it.
Alternatively, you can hire private tutors to help you in your learning either via Skype or in person. The tutor will provide additional information that will give you an edge over everyone else in the class.
Practice Makes Perfect
The key to learning any language faster depends on how much you practice. Regular practice is more effective than irregular practice. Practice your reading skills by reading novels, short stories, comic books, newspapers and any other literary material written in English. This will help you learn new phrases that you can use in small talk. You will also encounter new words that will help you build your vocabulary.
You can also keep a journal where you will write about your day, your thoughts or plans. Spending a few minutes everyday journaling will help you practice your writing skills and also unleash your creativity. Listen to radio or podcasts to help you with pronunciation and intonations.
Finally, get a study partner or a buddy to talk through questions with and practice conversational English.
Have Fun While You’re At It
Learning English does not have to be boring or limited within the four walls of the classroom. You can connect learning with your hobbies. Board games such as Scrabble are a good way to start. Scrabble will help you strengthen your vocabulary and make you think in English. In addition to the above, you can easily find your way around the English language by watching movies in English.
Go Abroad
It is common knowledge that one of the best methods that almost anyone can learn a new language is by being immersed in an environment that’s heavily populated with its native speakers. English is no different from these other languages because traveling to a country that has English as its main language offers one of the best learning experiences. There is a vast array of English speaking countries that you can choose from to give you the best English learning environments. Some of these countries include Australia, the UK, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa and the US.
Make Friends That Speak English
Having friends with whom you can practice speaking English will boost your confidence and help you pick up fresh vocabulary and phrases that you can incorporate. What’s more, you will learn the common slang, pronunciation and gestures used by native English speakers.
Talking to people will also help you to develop confidence in public speaking. You can meet new friends at your school cafe, learning exchange programs, open mic events and other social meetups. You can also get a pen pal who will help you practice your writing skills.
Acquire a Part-time Job Which Incorporates Speaking English
Get a job that will require you to use your English skills in your communication with customers. This will accord you time to practice and sharpen your skills. It will also place you in a position where you have to face your fears and speak. In addition to this, it will also help you build fluency.
Ask a Lot of Questions
We all know the common saying of how curiosity killed the cat. However, in addition to this, curiosity also steered language learners into nothing short of fluency. The moment you have a good and solid foundation in the English language, what will take you to the next level is collecting myriads of questions. You should learn to refrain from sitting on the doubts that you have about some aspects of English that you did not understand. Instead, strive to be curious enough about how you can resolve them and you will be astonished at the rapid progress that you’ll make in your learning process.
In the event that you’ve enrolled in an English course, then it makes work for you much easier. This is because you have a teacher at your disposal whose sole job is to help you get rid of any uncertainties in the English language. For those who are learning by themselves, you shouldn`t worry because all is not lost. You can search for answers on language websites and blogs, read through various English learning platforms or even inquire from other learners.
The English language is one of the most popular and commonly used languages across the globe. Its application is almost inevitable in most aspects of our educational lives with the majority of international schools and universities opting for the bulk of their curriculum to be in English. This is just but one of the many vital roles that this language plays in our lives and thus validating the need for a student to acquire mastery of this language.
As it is common with learning any other new language, getting to learn the English language has its challenges especially for those who do not speak it as their first language. The principles and mechanics of how to maneuver through the language could be quite tedious to learn but that does not mean that it is an impossible task. With the right guidance as has been expounded in this article, it is possible to gain an innate knowledge of the English language.
About the author : Mollie Porein is high skilled web content writer. She is interested in topics about education, writing, blogging, motivation, etc. Connect with her on LinkedIn and follow her on Twitter.
P.S. Are you serious about your spoken English improvement? Check out the English Harmony System HERE!