By Robby
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Current Goal: Learn 50 American Phrases in 25 Days!
Have you ever been AT LOOSE ENDS?
Not sure what it means?
Well, no wonder you find it impossible to guess the meaning of this phrase; it’s a typical English idiom and you simply have to know what it means in order to understand the meaning of it!
Still, it’s quite easy to infer the meaning of any idiomatic expression from context alone, and now I want you to give it a shot.
Have you ever been unable to find your place after a break-up with a boyfriend or a girlfriend? That’s when most people find themselves AT LOOSE ENDS, and that’s when it’s of the utmost importance to engage in some other activities to take your mind off the problem at hand!
Now, have you got a general idea of what the idiom AT LOOSE ENDS might mean?
Are you still not sure?
Then here’s another example.
Imagine yourself being made redundant after a ten years long service with the company. You’ve lost your attractive pay package, you have to start seeking a new job, your whole life changes basically, and that’s what’s being AT LOOSE ENDS is all about!
Now, if you’re still not sure what it means, please watch the video above!
Robby 😉
P.S. Are you serious about your spoken English improvement? Check out the English Harmony System HERE!
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