By Robby
If you are new here please read this first.
Hi guys from – this is another video installment I created with you in mind, and this time around (surprise, surprise!) I’m going to talk about spoken English self-practice and what you should talk about during those self-practice sessions to insure you don’t run out of things to discuss.
The reason I recorded this video is quite simple:
Not having anything to talk about seems to be the biggest issue for my fellow foreigners, and that’ also the single biggest reason why many of you guys are abandoning spoken English self-practice altogether!
So, what is this topic you can discuss on your own day in, day out, without getting bored and always finding you have something NEW to say?
Yes, it’s that simple.
You just go back through the daily events starting from the very morning and talk about:
- What time you got up and what you had for breakfast;
- How you went to work or college and what happened on the way;
- What your mood was today and whether it got any better or worse;
- Day at work – even if it wasn’t an eventful one, you can at least talk about the fact you were bored out of your face!
- and so on and so forth!
And that’s not it – it’s barely scratching the surface, my friends!
Whenever you’ve gone to a party, met up with your friends for a cup of coffee or gone to a rock-concert or a movie, there’s always something extra to discuss in relation to those events, and it goes without saying you may end up talking for a good while before you run out of things to say about your day gone by.
This is another great way of practicing your spoken English in an intelligent and meaningful manner.
You basically plan for the next day’s events:
- Things to do;
- Assignments;
- Phone calls;
- Visits to doctors or various institutions;
- You name it!
And again let me tell you that even if you haven’t got much planned for the next day and it’s going to be just another day in your life, you can simple imagine what is most likely going to happen and describe those mundane daily tasks thus making sure you have at least 5 minutes long spoken English self-practice session.
Also, it helps if you keep a daily planner and write all those things down so that you don’t forget them – and it will also ensure you have something extra to discuss the next day (whether you got all things done from the day before, and if not – what obstacles you had etc.)
Can you see now why talking about the day gone by and planning the next day are great topics for your spoken English self-practice sessions?
I hope you’ve started seeing the potential in it, so the only thing left to do for you is – make sure you do it on a daily basis to make it your second nature and ensure constant English fluency improvement!
On the finishing note, please bear in mind that even at times when you may think your English sucks and no matter how much you practice, the improvement just isn’t there – nothing could be further from the truth!
Our fluency goes up and down the whole time, it’s 100% natural, and you can rest assured that your long-term fluency trend is definitely going up provided you practice your spoken English regularly enough!
Thanks for tuning in,
P.S. Would you like to find out why I’m highlighting some of the text in red? Read this article and you’ll learn why it’s so important to learn idiomatic expressions and how it will help you to improve your spoken English!
P.S.S. Are you serious about your spoken English improvement? Check out my English Harmony System HERE!
P.S. Are you serious about your spoken English improvement? Check out the English Harmony System HERE!