By Robby
If you are new here please read this first.
Hi Boys and Girls!
I’m back with the second video episode – and I hope you enjoyed the first one!
I’m still getting a hang of the video recording equipment in my home studio – so you may spot some small glitches here and there. But I think the video quality is decent enough for you to understand what I’m saying, what you think?
So this time I’m covering a few seemingly unrelated topics – direct translation to English from your native language and English collocations. However, it just takes a few minutes to grasp the connection between those two.
Basically, your English speech won’t be fluent for as long as you prepare the speech in your head using your native language. And mind this – you don’t necessarily have to be aware of this process. It’s not like you’re actually speaking in your mother’s tongue with yourself and then translating into English (although it may happen, too!)
It’s more like the first thought corresponding to what you want to say is in your language. And then you’re translating it into English subconsciously.
Consciously or not, the end result is the same – slow and unnatural spoken English.
So how to stop this vicious circle? The answer is – by re-building your spoken English! If you understand the importance of English collocations, phrasal verbs and expressions, you can start taking the action right now!
In my video I’m explaining simple ways of making collocation learning your habit. It’s not as hard as it sounds, by the way – so better watch the video right now and see for yourself!
OK, thanks for your time and I really hope you’ll improve your spoken English at least by a small degree after watching the second video episode!
Talk to you soon again,
P.S. Are you ready to get on the fast track to spoken English fluency? Check out my English Harmony System HERE!
P.S. Are you serious about your spoken English improvement? Check out the English Harmony System HERE!

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