Robby Kukurs

I’m Robby, and I’m a non-native English speaker. Throughout my entire life I’ve always wanted to speak in English fluently, but because of the way English is taught in schools, I always struggled with my spoken English.

I couldn't learn to speak fluent English for 5 years - read about what I was doing to learn to speak fluently HERE - are YOU in the same situation?

Then, one fine day, after years of constant pursuit of English fluency, I realized the key aspect of spoken English improvement – learning English phrases and word combinations instead of studying grammar rules and trying to construct sentences in your head from scratch!

If you’re interested in improving your English fluency too, please check out the English Harmony System which is a product I created to help all my fellow foreigners to better their spoken English and achieve so much more in professional, social and personal life.

English Harmony System

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For those foreign English speakers whose English understanding, writing and grammar is already good but they're struggling with spoken English!

Imprints natural English speech patterns in your mind - revolutionary speech exercising technology!

Builds your English confidence - no more situations when you stop and hesitate when speaking English!

Effective Ways to Expand Your Vocabulary

Greetings, fellow English learners! Today, I want to share with you some effective ways to expand your vocabulary. Having a rich and varied vocabulary is essential for communicating effectively in English, whether it's in writing or in conversation. Here are some tips to help you expand your vocabulary: 1. Read Widely One of the most effective ways to expand your vocabulary is to read widely. This means reading different types of texts, such as books, articles, and even social media posts, to expose yourself to different vocabulary and writing styles. You can also use context clues to understand new words and phrases you come across. To learn more about how reading can help you improve your vocabulary, check out this article from English Harmony: "Why Reading is the Ultimate Way to Improve Your English Vocabulary." 2. Use a Thesaurus A thesaurus is a great tool for finding synonyms, or words with similar meanings, to words you already know. This can help you expand your vocabulary and avoid using the same words over and over again. You can use a physical thesaurus or an online one, like the one provided by Merriam-Webster. To learn more about how to use a thesaurus effectively, check out this article from English Harmony: "How to Use a Thesaurus to Improve Your English Vocabulary." 3. Learn Word Families Word families are groups of words that are related to each other by their roots, prefixes, or suffixes. Learning word families can help you understand and remember new words more easily, as well as identify the meanings of unfamiliar words based on their prefixes or suffixes. To learn more about word families and how to use them to expand your vocabulary, check out this article from English Harmony: "How to Improve Your English Vocabulary with Word Families." 4. Use Flashcards Flashcards are a great tool for memorizing new vocabulary. You can create physical flashcards or use an online flashcard app, like Quizlet, to practice and review new words and their meanings. To learn more about how to use flashcards to expand your vocabulary, check out this article from English Harmony: "How to Use Flashcards to Improve Your English Vocabulary." Remember, expanding your vocabulary takes time and effort, but with consistent practice and the right resources, you can achieve your goals. So don't be afraid to try new things and keep practicing every day. Good luck on your vocabulary journey!

How to Use a Thesaurus to Improve Your English Vocabulary

As an English learner, you know that building a strong vocabulary is essential for improving your English skills. One tool that can be incredibly helpful in this process is a thesaurus. A thesaurus is a reference book or online tool that provides synonyms (words with similar meanings) and antonyms (words with opposite meanings) for a given word. Here are some tips on how to use a thesaurus to improve your English vocabulary: Start with a Word You Know To begin using a thesaurus, start with a word you already know. Look it up in the thesaurus and see what synonyms and antonyms are listed. By doing this, you can expand your vocabulary by learning new words that have similar or opposite meanings to the one you already know. Look Up Words You Encounter in Reading When you come across a new word while reading, use a thesaurus to look up synonyms and antonyms. This will help you better understand the word's meaning and how it is used in different contexts. Use Thesaurus to Improve Your Writing When you're writing in English, using a thesaurus can help you improve the quality of your writing. Instead of using the same words repeatedly, you can find synonyms that add variety and nuance to your writing. Learn Contextual Usage When you look up a word in a thesaurus, pay attention to the different contexts in which it can be used. This will help you understand not just the meaning of the word but also how to use it correctly in different situations. Use Online Thesaurus Tools There are many online thesaurus tools available that can help you improve your vocabulary. Some popular ones include Merriam-Webster Thesaurus,, and Power Thesaurus. These tools are often more convenient and faster than using a printed thesaurus. In conclusion, a thesaurus can be an incredibly helpful tool for improving your English vocabulary. By looking up words you know, using it to understand new words, improving your writing skills, and paying attention to contextual usage, you can expand your vocabulary and better understand the English language. So, pick up a thesaurus today and start exploring!

Why Reading is the Ultimate Way to Improve Your English Vocabulary

Hello, English learners! Today, I want to talk about why reading is the ultimate way to improve your English vocabulary. Reading is not only an enjoyable pastime, but it is also an incredibly effective way to learn new words and expand your vocabulary. Here are some reasons why: Exposure to Different Words and Phrases When you read, you expose yourself to a wide variety of words and phrases that you might not encounter in everyday conversation. This exposure to different vocabulary is essential for expanding your English vocabulary and improving your understanding of the language. Context Clues When you encounter a new word or phrase while reading, you can often use context clues to figure out its meaning. Context clues are the words and phrases around the unfamiliar word that can help you understand its meaning. This not only helps you learn new words but also helps you develop your reading comprehension skills. Vocabulary Retention Studies have shown that we are more likely to remember new vocabulary when we encounter it in context, rather than learning it in isolation. When you read, you encounter new words in the context of a story or article, which can help you remember them more easily and use them correctly in the future. Improved Writing Skills Reading not only improves your vocabulary but also your writing skills. When you read, you expose yourself to different writing styles, sentence structures, and grammar rules. This exposure can help you develop your own writing skills and improve your ability to express yourself in English. So, how can you use reading to improve your English vocabulary? Here are some tips: Read Widely Make sure to read a variety of texts, such as books, articles, and even social media posts. This will expose you to different vocabulary and writing styles, which will help you expand your English vocabulary. Use a Dictionary When you come across a word you don't know, use a dictionary to look it up. This will help you understand the word's meaning and usage, and you'll be more likely to remember it in the future. Take Notes When you encounter a new word or phrase, take notes on its meaning and usage. This will help you remember the word and use it correctly in the future. In conclusion, reading is the ultimate way to improve your English vocabulary. By exposing yourself to different words and phrases, using context clues to understand new vocabulary, and retaining new vocabulary through context, you'll be well on your way to expanding your English vocabulary and improving your understanding of the language. So pick up a book or article today and start reading!

5 Proven Strategies for Improving Your English Fluency

10 Common Idioms in English and How to Use Them Correctly

Hello, my dear English learners! Today, I want to talk to you about a topic that can be a little tricky for non-native speakers: idioms. Idioms are expressions that have a figurative meaning that is different from their literal meaning. They are used all the time in English conversation, and if you're not familiar with them, they can be quite confusing. In this article, I want to share with you 10 common idioms in English and how to use them correctly. These idioms are used in everyday conversation, and if you can learn how to use them, you will sound more natural and fluent in English. 1. A Piece of Cake This idiom means that something is very easy. For example, "That math test was a piece of cake." 2. Break a Leg This idiom is used to wish someone good luck, especially before a performance or presentation. For example, "Break a leg on your big presentation tomorrow!" 3. Hit the Nail on the Head This idiom means to be exactly right about something. For example, "You hit the nail on the head with that suggestion." 4. Under the Weather This idiom means that someone is feeling sick or unwell. For example, "I can't come into work today, I'm feeling a little under the weather." 5. Once in a Blue Moon This idiom means that something happens very rarely. For example, "I only see my old high school friends once in a blue moon." 6. Piece of Mind This idiom means to say something that you've been thinking about for a while, in order to get it off your chest. For example, "I finally gave my boss a piece of my mind about how he's been treating me." 7. On the Ball This idiom means that someone is alert and quick to react. For example, "She's always on the ball when it comes to solving problems." 8. A Dime a Dozen This idiom means that something is very common or easy to find. For example, "Those cheap knockoff purses are a dime a dozen." 9. Bite the Bullet This idiom means to face a difficult or unpleasant situation with courage. For example, "I know it's going to be tough, but we just have to bite the bullet and get through it." 10. The Ball is in Your Court This idiom means that it's someone else's turn to take action or make a decision. For example, "I've given you all the information you need, now the ball is in your court." Now that you've learned these 10 common idioms, how can you start using them in your own conversations? The best way to learn idioms is to practice using them in context. Try to use these idioms in conversations with native speakers, or practice writing sentences or short paragraphs using them. You can also read books, watch movies or TV shows, and listen to English podcasts to hear idioms being used in natural contexts. Remember, idioms are an important part of English conversation, and learning how to use them correctly can help you sound more natural and fluent. So don't be afraid to give them a try!

10 Steps to Become Fluent in English

English phrases for daily use – Small Talk with Staff Members

Why I Keep Talking About The Same Issues Over and Over Again

Common English phrases used in speaking

How to Develop Your Ability to THINK in English

How Words Hook Up With Each Other in Spoken English

IMPORTANT! Please grab a piece of paper and a pen before you start reading this article as you'll be required to write down a few English words if you decide to participate in a small experiment! In this article we’ll look at how important it is to acquire new vocabulary in context, and how much time you may be wasting learning new words separately, just by learning meanings of new words or even worse – learning them through a translation in your native language. I've been discussing it on my blog and in my videos quite a lot, but I’ve never actually brought up certain examples to show you the effectiveness of learning new English words through context. So, let’s do an experiment first. It’s very important you participate in this because if you don’t, you won’t be able to feel the difference between learning new vocabulary with and without context, so please follow my instructions, all right? ;-) Basically you'll have to make effort to memorize a few quite sophisticated English adjectives but in case you know a few or even all of those words, please don’t be offended! I’m not trying to insult your intelligence by making assumptions about your English vocabulary; I’ll be doing my best to pick out a few English words that aren’t heard that often in normal daily conversations or in media. Now, please read the following five English words with the corresponding explanations and try to do your best to memorize those words and their meanings: (more…)

Don’t Analyze Your English – Part 2: Why Questions Beginning With WHY Are the Worst!

Easy Guide to Proper Arguing for Foreign English Speakers

If you read this blog or any other website dedicated to foreign English speakers and their language improvement, I’m sure of one thing – you wouldn’t find much advice on how to express yourself during times when you’re annoyed, angry, agitated or arguing with someone. Well, there might be a certain amount of phraseology and vocabulary given, however, there’s one thing I can say for sure – it would be still somewhat toned down and wouldn’t really resemble the kind of English language you’d be facing in real life. And it’s kind of understandable because English teachers probably don’t want to be teaching too much of the bad language. Especially considering that cursing and using profanities tends to be one of the first things you’d pick up when learning a foreign language, so I would imagine that people just assume that cursing, swearing and expressing your anger or dissatisfaction is something that foreign English speakers are familiar with anyway, so it’s not really worth focusing on. Well, I tend to disagree! Being familiar with and being able to USE something in real-life spoken English are two different things altogether! The only way you’ll be able to use such expressions yourself is if you repeat them and learn them by way of spoken English practicing, there’s no other way around it. And if you think that you’ll never need such expressions anyway because you’re a nice person – think twice my friend. There comes a time when even the nicest person needs to blow off some steam and get the negative emotions out of their system, let alone having a confrontation with another English speaker. And do you know what happens when you are having that argument having never actually practiced the related phraseology yourself? Well, it’s pretty simple – during the heated conversation all of a sudden you find yourself unable to say a word because the added adrenaline rush will make you even more prone to saying something wrong, so some prior practicing is definitely advisable here! So without further ado let’s look at a number of relevant English phrases that will definitely come in handy in extreme situations such as arguments and confrontations with other English speakers. (more…)

Don’t Study English Hard in the New Year – Practice the Easy Way Instead!

Common English Phrases to Use at Home & With Kids

I got the inspiration to write this English phrase compilation from a guy called Guillermo, and here’s the comment he left on my blog a while back: So basically he wants to learn useful English phrases to be used around the house describing common everyday concepts such as eating, playing, tidying up, going to bed and others. And come to think of it, pretty much all English phrases I’ve published on this blog focus either on your social life such as the small talk phrases or your professional life such as these industry specific phrases. That’s why I decided to compile a bunch of useful English phrases you can use at home when speaking with your own kinds in order to improve your English – just like Guillermo does – or when there are other English speaking kids around. Speaking of which, I can tell you based on my own experience that your English may be quite advanced, but you may still find yourself struggling to speak with little children using simple language :!: I clearly remember how I came to Ireland all those years ago and my daughters started attending the local school. I was in the same situation when I had to help them with their homework or speak with other kids at birthday parties, for example, and I realized that my English was lacking simple phraseology that native speakers use in daily situations at home! So, without further ado, let’s start listing commonly used simple English expressions you’ll be able to use at home! ;-) (more…)

English phrases for daily use – Small Talk Phrases

Forget the English Grammar Tense Table Forever!

Here’s a very comprehensive English Grammar Tenses table with thorough explanations as to when each tense is used as well as sample sentences. All is nice and well, and you may print it out, carry with you, and learn it off by heart if you’re really passionate about your English tenses (by the way, it’s exactly what I did at the start of my 5 year long journey to English fluency!) As I said – all would be nice and well if not for a human being’s natural tendency to over-analyze and try to structure the knowledge when speaking which inevitably leads to English fluency problems. The moment you open your mouth, you’ll start wondering if the action you’re about to talk about is going to happen for sure or just MIGHT happen… Or maybe it’s going to happen over a certain period of time in which case you should be using Future II Progressive tense – “I will have been…” Basically the more you know about English tenses, the more confusing it may become, and in the end you’ll be constantly questioning and second-guessing yourself when trying to speak which is definitely something you DON’T want to happen because what good is your super-advanced English grammar knowledge if you can’t say a single sentence without hesitation and stopping to think about what tense to use? Moreover, there isn’t consensus even among English grammar professionals as to how many English tenses actually are out there! The more you read into it, the more confusing it will get. Just read this forum thread and you’ll realize that opinions differ so wildly that a normal human being can’t even wrap his or her head around it all! Some think there are only 2 tenses (which I personally thing is a total nonsense), and some extend the figure to 16, 24 or even 32 (which takes into account the existence of Passive Voice). So what do you do? Get totally bogged down on 32 tenses, learn all the conditions as to when exactly each of them is used, learn the respective sample sentences and then LOSE YOUR MIND when trying to speak with someone because of all the analysis happening in your brain while you’re speaking? NO! Instead, just FORGET the English Grammar tense table and approach the whole tense thing from a different angle!!! Forget the little used grammar constructs such as “I will have been speaking…” that aren’t used in real life English conversations. Forget the various Conditionals. And stop thinking about the merits of Past Perfect Progressive vs Past Perfect Simple. What I suggest you to do is this: (more…)

Do You Know All of These English Expressions Involving the Word TIME?

9 Friday Expressions You Can Use… Guess When? On Fridays!

There are plenty of phrase-lists published on this blog – starting from phrases using the word “thing” and ending with small talk phrases which has actually turned out to be the most popular article on this blog! This time around let’s look at something that would come in handy for every single foreign English speaker out there. Well, it’s not that those other phrases wouldn’t be useful for everybody, it’s just that I’m trying to point out the fact that the phrases we’re going to look at today can be definitely used by all of us at least once a week! Why once a week? Well, guess what – Friday happens once a week, and for as long as you’ve got some work colleagues to talk to, you can always make sure to use this Friday phraseology to the best of your ability! So, without further ado, let’s start looking at the different Friday expressions you’ll be able to use at work – and not only! (more…)

Shame Is The Enemy #1 Of All Foreign English Speakers!

Here’s how to improve your spoken English when reading this article: read it out loud, then read out loud the collocations highlighted in red 10 times each to memorize them, then look away from the monitor and try and say 3 sample sentences for each of those collocations! For best results record your speech so that you can go back, spot any mistakes you might have made, and then do some more spoken English practice by correcting yourself! How many times you HAVEN’T SAID something in English because you’ve been ashamed? I bet it’s too many to count, my friend foreign English speaker, and that’s the prime reason why your fluency isn’t at the level you’d like it to be. Well, of course, it could be the case that you’re quite happy with your level of English fluency, but the chances are – if that were the case, you wouldn’t be reading this blog, am I not right? Anyway, let’s not get side-tracked from the main subject which is all about being ashamed of your level of English and NOT speaking enough. Imagine the following scenario. Two foreign English speakers move to an English speaking country, take up jobs and settle down to live in that country for a good few years. The first foreigner takes every opportunity to open his mouth and say something in English. Every time his boss, co-workers or customers ask him something, he always tries to say something extra, something to keep the conversation going. And he also doesn’t miss a chance to start a chat with others. Now, the second foreigner is also doing alright, however, unlike the first one, he will only say the bare minimum that people ask him. He will never start a conversation, will never say anything extra, and it’s all because he’s ashamed of making mistakes and sounding stupid. You think the first foreigner isn’t making any mistakes? Oh boy, of course he is! We all do, it’s an integral part of being a foreign English speaker – you are bound to make lots of mistakes before achieving a decent level of fluency. Yet, the first guy just DOESN’T CARE. (more…)

Best English Phrase Memorization Techniques for Those Who Want to Speak Fluent English

Hello my fellow English language fanatics! ;-) I’ve been publishing videos and articles on this blog for years on end, and if you’ve been following my website for some time you’ll know that my main focus is spoken English development because I write for those foreigners who are struggling to speak fluently while being quite good at other aspects of their English. One of the main aspects of oral fluency development is phraseology acquisition – or if put in simple terms – building your vocabulary of English word combinations and phrases (why am I not talking about individual English words? Read THIS article to find out why!). Spaced repetition is by far the most effective way of learning those phrases, and it’s based on the following simple principles: You repeat a phrase a number of times until it sticks with you and you can repeat it automatically; You review that phrase later on that day, then the following day, and then in a few days’ time. Simple as that! ;-) That’s what I’ve been doing to build my own English phraseology, and that’s what all my customers are doing when improving their English with help of the English Harmony System. One closely related subject that I haven’t touched upon on my blog, however, is different memorization techniques that you might use to memorize your English phraseology even faster and more efficiently, and that’s exactly what I’m going to look at in this article! SIDENOTE: please bear in mind that I’m not going to look at individual English word memorization techniques in this article because by far the best way to acquire new English vocab is by learning it in the CONTEXT which essentially means memorizing entire phrases and sentences is pretty much the only way forward! (more…)

Is It Possible To Sound Too Fluent in English?

Becoming Fluent in English While Living in Your Home Country is Impossible… Or Is It?

If you spend about half an hour browsing articles and videos on this blog, you’ll learn pretty quickly that I’m all about doing loads of self-practice in order to improve the level of spoken English – this is the single biggest contributor to my own fluency improvement and that of my students as well. For most people, when coming across this approach for the first time, this may sound really weird, and it takes some time to get used to the concept of speaking in English without a conversation partner. Once they realize though, that this type of practice is in fact no different to speaking with others, they embrace it and their spoken English experiences a rapid improvement. (more…)

80/20 Rule – You Have To Be Selective About What You Learn!