By Robby
If you are new here please read this first.
I’m receiving quite a high volume of e-mails on a daily basis and they’re all related to English improvement and fluency in some way, shape or form.
Today I received an e-mail from a gentleman whose name I’ll keep anonymous – of course! – and he explains the following situation.
He’s been told by his friend that his English is quite fluent (which is a reason to celebrate on its own!) but he lacks sophisticated vocabulary and different means of expression – such as phrases, idiomatic expressions and so on.
Basically my fellow foreign English speaker asking the question feels that as far as his speech is understandable and he’s making his point, he’s fine. So he wants to know what my take on this issue is, and that’s exactly what I’m doing in the video above!
I’m giving a thorough analysis of the issue in question, and I hope all of you will find this video useful!
Of course, don’t hesitate to leave your questions in the comments below!
Chat soon,
Robby 😉
P.S. Are you serious about your spoken English improvement? Check out the English Harmony System HERE!