Welcome to English Harmony Affiliate program!

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Are you blogging about improving and learning English? Do you spend plenty of time posting in English learning related forums and message boards? Or maybe you own a huge English learning website receiving good number of daily traffic?
If any of the above applies to you – you can benefit from becoming an English Harmony affiliate! By promoting the unique English Harmony System 2.0 you can earn nice extra cash because I’m paying 40% affiliate commission for every sale generated through your affiliate link! That’s $26.80 in your PayPal account for every visitor who comes to my website through your affiliate link and makes a purchase!
So this is how it works:
1. You register with the English Harmony affiliate program. It’s easy and very straightforward, and upon registration you’ll get $50 bonus in your account! Yes, you got me right – you’ll actually make $50 simply for becoming my affiliate!
2. In your affiliate account you’ll find a unique link you can use to link to the English Harmony salespage. You can use this link in your forum signature if you’re a forum poster, or simply include it in your articles or blog posts if you’re either.
3. And here’s the last and the most exciting of the steps – getting paid! When someone who’s interested in improving spoken English buys the English Harmony System 2.0, your affiliate account will be credited by $26.80! When you’ve amassed $200 in commissions (the $50 bonus money also goes towards the payment threshold), you’ll get a PayPal payment from me on the first date of the month.
The affiliate software I’m using for tracking your visitors is created by one of the industry leaders iDevDirect and it works like clockwork. You can rest assured that every single visitor you send to my website is tracked under your account for 50 (!) years – I guess it’s enough to make sure that whenever that person makes the buying decision during his/her lifetime, you’ll benefit from it!
So, what are you waiting for? Sign up right away and start promoting the English Harmony System 2.0 right now!
Looking forward on profitable partnership,

Robby Kukurs Author, EnglishHarmony.com