By Robby
If you are new here please read this first.
If I had to name The KEY to your success in giving a presentation, it would be PREPARATION and PRACTICE.
If you think about it, it’s not really a rocket science – you have to prepare slides for the presentation and that’s half of the job already done!
Yes, it’s the actual slides that make up the main part of the presentation and in theory you could give a decent presentation just by switching between the slides and describing what you see in them!
Therefore it would seem to follow that all you have to do to ensure successful performance during a presentation is to prepare the slideshow in a way that enables you to more or less read all the information off the screen, right?
Well, slide preparation is obviously crucial in order to give a presentation, there’s no doubt about that!
I mean – preparing the slides and presenting all the information to the audience is what makes the presentation a presentation.
For those unaware – if you’re just standing in front of people talking about a specific subject, it’s called a SPEECH.
Adding some visual clues to your speech makes it a PRESENTATION – at least in my opinion.
In reality, to engage the audience and make the presentation flow nicely, reading information off the slides just doesn’t cut it:
- You have to know how to address the audience.
- You have to use the best means of expression to comment on the slides.
- And you also have to use the proper English phrases to stress the main points and draw conclusions during the presentation!
That’s exactly where English presentation phrases step in, so without further ado let me give you the very cream of the crop!
Presentation Opening Statements
I’d like to take this opportunity – this is a typical phrase you can use to thank everyone for attending the presentation: “Hello everyone, my name is such and such, and I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you all for coming along!”
I’m honored to be here – this is how you express your gratitude for being invited to give the presentation.
Having been given this opportunity to – this is another handy phrase to use when expressing gratitude during the opening statement of the presentation: “I’m really thankful for having been given this opportunity to speak in front of such a large audience!”
Without further ado – this may be an overused phrase, but it doesn’t make it less useful! Basically you can use it whenever you’re ready to proceed to the next stage of the presentation: “So, without further ado, let me introduce the main concepts I’m going to cover in this presentation!”
Providing an Overview of the Presentation
I’m going to address – when you’re announcing the topic of your presentation, this English phrase comes in very handy: “In this presentation I’m going to address the rise and fall of the Roman Empire.”
Give you a quick rundown – “rundown” is a synonym for “summary”: “Now I’m going to give you a quick rundown of the various companies I’m going to mention during this presentation.”
I’ll walk you through – here’s an example of how this phrase can be used: “… and then I’ll walk you through the different stages of a product lifecycle.”
Here are the main points we’re going to cover – this is a really practical phrase you can use in your presentation to list all the main points.
And finally, I’ll wrap up this presentation by looking at – here’s how you specify what you’ll do at the very end of the presentation: “And finally, I’ll wrap up this presentation by looking at how the new budget is going to affect the ordinary working class people.”
How to Mention Specific Facts and Present Data
…to paint a clearer picture for you! – this English idiomatic expression means “to make it clearer for you” and is perfect during presentations: “So, in order to paint a clearer picture for you, let me bring up this slide where you can see…”
This is a classic example of – when presenting specific facts, you can use this phrase to stress that the subject in question is a typical representation of the issue at hand: “Please have a closer look at this specimen – it’s a classic example of a mutated fish which is a direct result of waste water contamination!”
The most pressing issue – it simply means the most important issue.
Many studies have shown that – this is how you introduce some facts you don’t have a specific reference for, but you know them to be true: “Many studies with lab rats have shown that consuming genetically modified food increases the incidence of certain types of cancer.”
So, where were we? – if there’s been a short interruption during the presentation, this is how you resume it: “All right, so, where we? If I’m not mistaken, we were looking at the current euro currency rate…”
Ranging from … to – this is how you describe a range of objects: “As we already know, our competitors offer all kinds of children’s clothing ranging from shoes to school uniforms, so the best option for us is to specialize in a specific line of children’s clothing.”
More detailed information on it – if you have to tell your audience where they can find more information on a particular topic, this is the sentence to use: “… and you can find more detailed information on last year’s fiscal policy by visiting this website…”
Anything below (above)… is considered to be – this English presentation phrase helps you describe values below or above a certain threshold: “… and anything below 7 is considered to be a poor performance figure.”
Another important factor to consider – this phrase helps you to move on to the next point in the presentation: “Another important factor to consider when looking at the sales figures is the stock levels, so let me bring up this slide where you can see…”
Which brings us to the next point – this phrase is ideal in a situation when you have to make a transition from the previous point to the next one: “When dealing with crime, high conviction rate alone isn’t going to solve the problem, we have to look at how to avoid ex-convicts re-offending again, which brings us to the next point – rehabilitation.”
Currently stands at – do you have to present a specific figure during your presentation? This is the perfect way of doing it: “As you can see in the chart, the unemployment rate currently stands at 6% which is a 10-year low.”
Current estimate is around – when presenting estimates, this is a very handy phrase to use: “Speaking of last month’s turnover, the current estimate is around 70 thousand dollars, but we have to wait on the accountant’s report to get the exact figure.”
Speaking in purely … terms – a perfect phrase introducing a statement where you’re going to use industry-specific language: “Speaking in purely technical terms, the current average downtime is acceptable, so I don’t think this particular incident requires special attention.”
To put it in perspective – this English phrase is handy when you’re providing more information on the matter to make the audience understand the full scale of the issue: “Our company profits have dwindled heavily over the last few years. To put it in perspective – 10 years ago we could afford to employ twice as many staff members.”
The biggest contributing factor – when describing the major contributor to the issue, this is the phrase you want to use: “The biggest contributing factor in the high unemployment figure is unemployment among 18 – 25 years olds.”
Accounts for the vast majority of – do you have to specify what kind of data makes up the majority of the data pool? This is how you do it: “According to latest reports, burglaries and thefts account for the vast majority of reported crime.”
Working with Presentation Slides
As you can clearly see – this is a perfect phrase for drawing everyone’s attention to the slide: “As you can clearly see in this chart, the demographic explosion coincided with the massive increase in oil production.”
This image allows us to see – another great way of insuring that people have a closer look at your slide: “Now, this image allows us to see that the actual situation in the region is much different from what the mainstream media is reporting.”
Move on to the next slide – pretty self-explanatory; this is simply how you fill the gaps in your speech while you’re switching between the slides: “And now we’re moving on to the next slide where we’re going to have a closer look at how…”
Let me give you a more technical insight into – you can use this sentence right before bringing up a slide containing detailed information on a specific subject such as a chart or a diagram.
Emphasizing the Main Points During a Presentation
Let me remind you once more – this phrase is used when you’re about to repeat something you’ve stated previously during the presentation.
As I mentioned before – this English presentation phrase carries pretty much the same meaning as the previous one and can be used to put emphasis onto something by mentioning it again.
It’s worth mentioning that – when discussing factors that don’t play the central role in the issue but are also important, this is the phrase you want to use: “And by the way, it’s worth mentioning that the educational background also contributes to a lower birth rate.”
Plays a significant role in – this is how you introduce very important facts to the listeners of your presentation: “As a matter of fact, country’s geographical location plays a significant role in its foreign policy.”
Let’s not forget – nice English phrase to use when emphasizing a point that could be easily ignored: “And let’s not forget that the federal government funding in our sector has been reduced by 10% this year, which makes the whole issue of wage increase even more difficult.”
That’s exactly where… steps in – this is how you provide a solution to a problem: “Our current staff members can’t deal with the ever-increasing call volumes, and that’s exactly where outsourcing steps in!”
Let me draw your attention to the fact that – pretty self-explanatory phrase, isn’t it?
Everybody agrees at this stage that – this is how you explain that there’s a widespread acceptance of a particular fact – “And I think everybody agrees at this stage that global climate change is happening.”
Let me reiterate – this phrase is useful in situations when you have to repeat something to stress its importance: “And let me reiterate – one third of school children are obese, so it’s obvious that this issue needs to be tackled right now!”
Drawing Conclusions
It’s safe to assume that – this is how you begin a sentence where you’re going to make a safe assumption: “Considering that our sales figures have remained steady over the last few years, I think it’s safe to assume that this year’s figures are going to be in line with our expectations.”
Predicated on the assumption that – this phrase sounds very sophisticated, but if you memorize it, it becomes very easy and you can use it to explain reasons why certain things happen: “Next year’s budget recommendations are predicated on the assumption that the economy will grow by another 1.5%”
Figures can be extrapolated to – this fancy phrase can be used to describe the concept of using the available data from one particular range of subjects when making assumptions about a related group of subjects: “The 18 – 25 year old male customer conversation rate is 1.5% which can be extrapolated to 26 – 40 year olds, thus giving us the sales forecast of 150 thousand dollars.”
It begs the question – when something you’re discussing leads to a new question to be asked, this is the phrase to be used: “As you can clearly see, the current abstinence level is unacceptable, and it begs the question – what can be done about that?”
Shows the correlation between – if you want to explain that two processes are related, this is how you do it: “This chart clearly shows the correlation between the number of fast food outlets and cancer incidence in the general population.”
Inevitably leads to – when one thing always leads to another, this is the phrase you can use when describing this phenomenon during your presentation: “… it’s not really a solution because increase in social welfare handouts inevitably leads to the so-called “culture of entitlement.”
Which is a direct result of – do you have to explain the fact that a particular phenomenon occurs because of something else? Then do it this way: “…profits have gone up by 5% which is a direct result of the recent measures introduced to deal with absenteeism.”
Summing Up the Presentation
On the finishing note – this is how you start the ending of your presentation: “On the finishing note, I’d like to thank everyone for coming along!”
To sum it up – this phrase is quite similar to the previous one – the only difference being that “on the finishing note” doesn’t necessarily require you to draw any conclusions while this one actually does: “So, to sum it up, the third production line model is the most efficient one, and that’s what our company should go for.”
The bottom line is – this phrase can be actually used interchangeably with “to sum it up”, and it’s a perfect way of announcing the main premise of the entire presentation: “So, the bottom line is – based on all the available data, it’s not economically viable to maintain the current staff levels.”
* * *
I hope you find these phrases useful when preparing for a presentation.
I also hope you put on a great show when giving the presentation!
P.S. Would you like to find out why I’m highlighting some of the text in red? Read this article and you’ll learn why it’s so important to learn idiomatic expressions and how it will help you to improve your spoken English!
P.S.S. Are you serious about your spoken English improvement? Check out my English Harmony System HERE!
P.S. Are you serious about your spoken English improvement? Check out the English Harmony System HERE!