By Robby
If you are new here please read this first.
Current Goal: Learn 50 American Phrases in 25 Days!
You definitely must have noticed the typical military facility settings in American TV programs and shows:
- Guard towers and massive light beams probing the area;
- Helicopters flying all over the place;
- And most importantly – the facility is always RINGED WITH CHAIN LINK AND TOPPED WITH RAZOR WIRE!
That’s today’s American English phrase, and if you’re interested in my take on the whole thing, please watch the video above!
As always, I’m touching upon other subjects in the video as well, so you’re guaranteed to have an even deeper insight into intricacies of the English language and you’ll most likely learn more idiomatic expressions on top of the one I’m focusing on today – RINGED WITH CHAIN LINK AND TOPPED WITH RAZOR WIRE.
Having said all this however, I have to admit that it’s best to focus on one phrase and one phrase ONLY at any given time – if you’re anything serious about your fluency improvement!
So, repeat this American English collocation – RINGED WITH CHAIN LINK AND TOPPED WITH RAZOR WIRE – many times over until it becomes your second nature, and then try to do some spoken practice by talking some random BS and imagining yourself standing in front of a facility ringed with chain link, imagine yourself trying to get over the chain link fence, imagine all sorts of stupid things and describe them just so that you exercise your mouth and wire that speech pattern – RINGED WITH CHAIN LINK AND TOPPED WITH RAZOR WIRE – into your brain!
Thanks for dropping by my friend, and see you tomorrow again!
And don’t forget to visit my Accent Adventure blog this evening where I’m going to publish the second American Phrase video of the day!
Chat soon,
Robby 😉
P.S. Are you serious about your spoken English improvement? Check out the English Harmony System HERE!