By Robby
If you are new here please read this first.
I’ve been living in an English speaking country for more than 11 years, and I’ve been speaking fluent English for more than 6 out of those 11 years.
It took me 5 years to achieve fluency, and looking back at it now I can clearly see what I was doing wrong and was I was doing right to realize my dream.
Did I become a fluent English speaker because of constantly speaking with others?
I’ve always been working on my English without any need for others.
Did I achieve English fluency by virtue of residence in an English speaking country?
I’d been constantly learning the English language way before the idea of emigration was even conceived!
Was moving to an English speaking country the single biggest reason why I was able to improve my English to a level where I’m very comfortable with my own speech?
Yes, but not for the reasons you may think.
It didn’t happen because I found myself in an English speaking society, and that would somehow magically result in me picking up the English language. The heck, there are a lot of foreigners living down here who spend all their time in their own language bubble and don’t even try to improve their English!
The reason why moving to Ireland contributed into my fluency improvement is because it made me acutely aware of how bad my spoken English was, and that in turn made me even MORE determined to succeed!
All the hard work was still getting done on my own by a way of practicing my English and learning loads of idiomatic expressions.
Now, to all those of you guys out there who are saying things like:
“Robby, I live in a non-English speaking country and there are no opportunities for me to improve my English fluency!”
… I’ll say just one thing:
Yes, it’s hard.
Yes, it’s not a walk in the park.
But guess what?
Even when living in an English speaking country you WILL have to make those opportunities for yourself ❗
You think just by arriving here your English will almost take care of itself? Not gonna happen like that my friends! Even I have to engage in a regular English practice having lived here for more than a decade or else I’d feel my English get a bit rusty over time, so you can take my word for it!
P.S. Would you like to find out why I’m highlighting some of the text in red? Read this article and you’ll learn why it’s so important to learn idiomatic expressions and how it will help you to improve your spoken English!
P.S.S. Are you serious about your spoken English improvement? Check out my English Harmony System HERE!
P.S. Are you serious about your spoken English improvement? Check out the English Harmony System HERE!