Welcome to English Harmony! Let’s Get Started!

Robby Kukurs - Founder of English Harmony

Are you ready to start improving your spoken English fluency for REAL?

Perfect! You’ve come to the right place then! Welcome to English Harmony – my name is Robby Kukurs and I’ll show you EXACTLY how fluent English speech can be acquired – after all, I’ve done it myself and I’ve also helped thousands of other foreign English speakers just like YOU to achieve the same goal!

What is TRUE English Fluency?

True English fluency is when you can speak with other English speakers without hesitation and you can always say SOMETHING in English.

It’s when you’re not anxious about someone asking you a question.

It’s when you can approach any English speaker and ask them what you need without worrying about how you’re going to form a sentence.

Basically it’s when English words come out of your mouth by THEMSELVES.

What English Fluency Is NOT?

English fluency doesn’t mean you have to learn thousands upon thousands of new English vocabulary words. It’s better to be able to use 200 English words WELL than to recognize 2000 English words and not be able to use them in conversations.

English fluency doesn’t mean you have to possess PERFECT English grammar. Even native English speakers make mistakes, and if you’re afraid of making them, you’re just going to limit your fluency development.

And most importantly – English fluency is NOT sitting at your desk pouring over your fancy English textbooks and workbooks. Thousands of foreign English speakers just like YOU have been studying English the traditional way but they still CAN’T SPEAK ❗

The ONLY Way to Learn Fluent English Speech:

Here’s the BIGGEST SECRET about developing your ability to speak in English: YOU HAVE TO SPEAK A LOT ❗

You just have to open your mouth and start speaking INSTEAD of reading, writing and listening, and if you think about it – it actually makes 100% sense.

  • If you want to be good at running, you have to run a lot.
  • If you want to be good at computer programming, you have to practice programming.
  • If you want to be good at speaking in English, you have to PRACTICE YOUR SPEECH!

Now it sounds very simple, but it actually took me 5 years to figure out this simple truth, and you can read about it in more detail HERE!

Here’s How YOU Can Do It:

All material I’m publishing on this website serves as a PERFECT source for your SPOKEN ENGLISH PRACTICE SESSIONS.

Step #1: Read My Blog Articles Out Loud

If you’re just new to this whole spoken English practicing thing, reading out loud is the best way for you to start exercising your mouth.

Open up any of my articles (HERE’s a complete list of them!), adopt a comfortable position in front of your laptop or PC, and start reading it out loud.

Well, you don’t have to do it REALLY loud, but you know what I’m saying, right?

And HERE’S a complete set of instructions on how to do loud-reading.

I’m sure you’ll notice every article on my blog contains plenty of highlighted phrases. They’re the so-called idiomatic expressions or collocations, and they’re ESSENTIAL for English fluency! Why? Read more about it HERE!

Step #2: Do Some Writing & Then Read It Out Loud

When you’re pretty good at reading out loud, you can progress to the next step which is writing your speech down first, and then reading it out.

And that’s when you can use all those idiomatic expressions I’ve provided to you!

And HERE’S a complete set of instructions on how to write your piece and do the related spoken English practice.

Step #3: Speak About a Specific Topic

If you’re comfortable enough, you can just jump head first into this step and just speak out loud about specific topics in English.

But in case you think it’s a bit weird, please read THIS article!

Now, quite naturally you may ask: “But how to do this kind of spoken English practice?”

Well, I’ve got plenty of advice for you!

You can talk about your daily life or other stuff, and here’s even more stuff to talk about.

And, of course, you can always read something – such as another blog post of mine, for example – and DISCUSS it with yourself.

Another alternative is to do a specific spoken English practice session around one or more idiomatic expressions whereby you brainstorm some sample sentences – just like I do in my Daily Idiomatic Expression Videos – and there are certain ways to organize those phrases which you can read more about HERE.

Step #4: Record Your Speech

This is a super-important step of your journey towards fluent English speech.

When you record your spoken English practice session on a camcorder, for some strange reason IT MAKES YOU MORE FLUENT.

Somehow it’s easier to focus and verbalize your thoughts when you’re speaking into the camcorder lens, and by the way – that’s what I’ve been doing for YEARS.

I have my own YouTube channel – check it out HERE! – where I’ve been publishing my own video recordings and it’s largely due to this practicing that my own English has improved.

And of course – you don’t have to publish your recordings anywhere! 😉

Just record your own speech, watch the recording, and that way you can make adjustments to your speech and correct your mistakes as well.

Read a complete set of instructions on how to record your speech HERE.

Step #5: Use the English Harmony System

If you’re REALLY serious about your English fluency development, you can take it even one step further – and I can assure you – this would be the best decision you’d ever made!

The English Harmony System is a tool that will help you deal with all the following issues:

  • Analyzing your own speech from the grammar standpoint and not being able to speak spontaneously;
  • Creating sentences in your head from scratch instead of speaking without much thinking;
  • Stumbling upon words and hesitating while speaking.

The EH System will quite literally re-wire your brain – by repeating and using certain sentences hundreds upon hundreds of times, you’ll develop speech AUTOMATION – that’s when you no longer think of HOW to say something – you just say it ❗

So basically the aim is to eradicate the analytic mindset whereby you analyze your speech even before you’ve said anything, and then you’d end up speaking SPONTANEOUSLY which is exactly what the EH System does!

The EH System a video course containing 90 speech exercising and 10 motivational lessons, and you gain access to it immediately after you’ve paid either using your PayPal account or Credit card. You’re going to log into your members’ area using your username and password (you’re going to create them right before proceeding with the payment), and that’s where you’re going to find all the Modules and lessons!

There’s even a 60 day money-back guarantee on it as well, so there’s really no risk involved!

Here’s the order page where you can pay for and start using the English Harmony System.

And here’s the FAQ page.

* * *

I hope to have a really nice relationship with you, and I also hope you’re going to enjoy sticking around my blog and improving your spoken English with me.

By the way – did you know I’m in the business since 2007?

It’s quite some time, right?

So, as you can imagine, I know a thing or two about how fluent English is acquired, and now I feel it’s about time I shared ALL my knowledge and skills with you, my friend!

So, welcome to English Harmony! 😉

But now, before you start practicing your spoken English RIGHT NOW (seriously, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t because every day you don’t do it is another day you’re missing out on your fluency improvement!) – I want you to grab your FREE copy of the eBook “Truth About Traditional English Studies” where I’m going to explain to you why exactly so many of us, foreigners, can’t speak fluently!

Grab YOUR FREE Copy of the eBook Below!


  • Jon

    Hi Robby. It's great that you have this website and my congratulations to you for having learnt the language fluently enough to teach it. Well done! However, I'm a little concerned that some of what you're teaching is not entirely correct, since there are a number of small errors in various parts of your text. I'm a native speaker of English and over the years have helped many foreigners with their speaking, grammar and pronunciation. I would be happy to help you (at no cost) by correcting your text through private emails so you can update your website and perhaps improve your lesson material. Let me know if you'd be interested. Incidentally, judging from your spelling of 'practicing', you should state that the English you're teaching is American English.

  • mark

    Robby, there are two errors in your reply above. Must have been in a great hurry… (Edit it and delete mine.)

  • jay blood

    Robby. Love you website. I am a teacher of second language and you are so right about learning phrases to become more fluent. I find students often reach a plateau then struggle. Learning phrases will help!! Your are so clever!! 🙂

  • Indrajit Kar

    Hi, Robby, am genuinely concerned about your health, because you have not uploaded any YouTube videos or made blog posts in a long time, like ages! Are you alright, are you okay?! Please respond, best!

    Indrajit Kar

  • English Harmony

    Hi! Can you please write me an email at [email protected] and explain me what are you looking for and I will see how I might help you.

  • M Rennie

    Are these materials suitable for teachers of intermediate/advanced English?

  • MU

    Robby, I have to point out we generally say “speak English” and not “speak IN Enlgish”. You might wish to correct this on your blog sidebar (I’ve always wanted to speak IN English fluently). Your English is otherwise seems excellent 🙂

  • English Harmony

    A good place to start would be to NEVER compare yourself with other English speakers simply because the moment you start doing that, you’ll start noticing a lot of drawbacks and faults with your English – and needless to say, it’s very easy to be brought down when in such a mental state.
    Please read this article: http://englishharmony.com/don%E2%80%99t-compare-your-english-with-others/ and just have more confidence in yourself.

  • luckyshon

    Hi Robby, i am a native but i must hesitate any other time i am communicating. i even thought i have a mental illness.

  • Vatturi Prakasam
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